Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Guy that wears so much cologne I can smell him when he’s in his car


You drive a car! Cool! You like to groom! Cool! You blast totally dope gino beats out of your car! Okay, whatever floats your boat!

Here’s the thing: when I pull my bike up beside your car and I can smell your cologne from the other side of the car, you are very uncool. Infact, you’re pretty stupid. If you wear so much cologne that I can smell you above truck exhaust, construction dust and that gross “Toronto” smell that we sometimes get, you are wearing too much cologne. I mean, I understand that your windows are open so maybe that’s why the smell was right in my face (I’d smell smoke or McDonald’s too, I’m sure), but when I can hardly take a breath in for fear of getting a headache, it’s gone too far. I feel sorry for any passenger that has to ride with you; they must really have a hard time breathing. Seriously, lay off the Axe. Your stench diameter is remarkably wide.

Hey guy that wears so much cologne I can smell him when he’s in his car! YOU’RE A BIG JERK!

1 comment:

  1. Your stench diameter is remarkably wide.

    That's perhaps the most hilarious phrase I've read or heard all year! Oh MY. The Laughter!

